

// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 234.

// Package cake provides a simulation of
// a concurrent cake shop with numerous parameters.
// Use this command to run the benchmarks:
// 	$ go test -bench=.
package cake

import (

type Shop struct {
	Verbose        bool
	Cakes          int           // number of cakes to bake
	BakeTime       time.Duration // time to bake one cake
	BakeStdDev     time.Duration // standard deviation of baking time
	BakeBuf        int           // buffer slots between baking and icing
	NumIcers       int           // number of cooks doing icing
	IceTime        time.Duration // time to ice one cake
	IceStdDev      time.Duration // standard deviation of icing time
	IceBuf         int           // buffer slots between icing and inscribing
	InscribeTime   time.Duration // time to inscribe one cake
	InscribeStdDev time.Duration // standard deviation of inscribing time

type cake int

func (s *Shop) baker(baked chan<- cake) {
	for i := 0; i < s.Cakes; i++ {
		c := cake(i)
		if s.Verbose {
			fmt.Println("baking", c)
		work(s.BakeTime, s.BakeStdDev)
		baked <- c

func (s *Shop) icer(iced chan<- cake, baked <-chan cake) {
	for c := range baked {
		if s.Verbose {
			fmt.Println("icing", c)
		work(s.IceTime, s.IceStdDev)
		iced <- c

func (s *Shop) inscriber(iced <-chan cake) {
	for i := 0; i < s.Cakes; i++ {
		c := <-iced
		if s.Verbose {
			fmt.Println("inscribing", c)
		work(s.InscribeTime, s.InscribeStdDev)
		if s.Verbose {
			fmt.Println("finished", c)

// Work runs the simulation 'runs' times.
func (s *Shop) Work(runs int) {
	for run := 0; run < runs; run++ {
		baked := make(chan cake, s.BakeBuf)
		iced := make(chan cake, s.IceBuf)
		go s.baker(baked)
		for i := 0; i < s.NumIcers; i++ {
			go s.icer(iced, baked)

// work blocks the calling goroutine for a period of time
// that is normally distributed around d
// with a standard deviation of stddev.
func work(d, stddev time.Duration) {
	delay := d + time.Duration(rand.NormFloat64()*float64(stddev))


// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

package cake_test

import (


var defaults = cake.Shop{
	Verbose:      testing.Verbose(),
	Cakes:        20,
	BakeTime:     10 * time.Millisecond,
	NumIcers:     1,
	IceTime:      10 * time.Millisecond,
	InscribeTime: 10 * time.Millisecond,

func Benchmark(b *testing.B) {
	// Baseline: one baker, one icer, one inscriber.
	// Each step takes exactly 10ms.  No buffers.
	cakeshop := defaults
	cakeshop.Work(b.N) // 224 ms

func BenchmarkBuffers(b *testing.B) {
	// Adding buffers has no effect.
	cakeshop := defaults
	cakeshop.BakeBuf = 10
	cakeshop.IceBuf = 10
	cakeshop.Work(b.N) // 224 ms

func BenchmarkVariable(b *testing.B) {
	// Adding variability to rate of each step
	// increases total time due to channel delays.
	cakeshop := defaults
	cakeshop.BakeStdDev = cakeshop.BakeTime / 4
	cakeshop.IceStdDev = cakeshop.IceTime / 4
	cakeshop.InscribeStdDev = cakeshop.InscribeTime / 4
	cakeshop.Work(b.N) // 259 ms

func BenchmarkVariableBuffers(b *testing.B) {
	// Adding channel buffers reduces
	// delays resulting from variability.
	cakeshop := defaults
	cakeshop.BakeStdDev = cakeshop.BakeTime / 4
	cakeshop.IceStdDev = cakeshop.IceTime / 4
	cakeshop.InscribeStdDev = cakeshop.InscribeTime / 4
	cakeshop.BakeBuf = 10
	cakeshop.IceBuf = 10
	cakeshop.Work(b.N) // 244 ms

func BenchmarkSlowIcing(b *testing.B) {
	// Making the middle stage slower
	// adds directly to the critical path.
	cakeshop := defaults
	cakeshop.IceTime = 50 * time.Millisecond
	cakeshop.Work(b.N) // 1.032 s

func BenchmarkSlowIcingManyIcers(b *testing.B) {
	// Adding more icing cooks reduces the cost of icing
	// to its sequential component, following Amdahl's Law.
	cakeshop := defaults
	cakeshop.IceTime = 50 * time.Millisecond
	cakeshop.NumIcers = 5
	cakeshop.Work(b.N) // 288ms


// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 254.

// Chat is a server that lets clients chat with each other.
package main

import (

type client chan<- string // an outgoing message channel

var (
	entering = make(chan client)
	leaving  = make(chan client)
	messages = make(chan string) // all incoming client messages

func broadcaster() {
	clients := make(map[client]bool) // all connected clients
	for {
		select {
		case msg := <-messages:
			// Broadcast incoming message to all
			// clients' outgoing message channels.
			for cli := range clients {
				cli <- msg

		case cli := <-entering:
			clients[cli] = true

		case cli := <-leaving:
			delete(clients, cli)


func handleConn(conn net.Conn) {
	ch := make(chan string) // outgoing client messages
	go clientWriter(conn, ch)

	who := conn.RemoteAddr().String()
	ch <- "You are " + who
	messages <- who + " has arrived"
	entering <- ch

	input := bufio.NewScanner(conn)
	for input.Scan() {
		messages <- who + ": " + input.Text()
	// NOTE: ignoring potential errors from input.Err()

	leaving <- ch
	messages <- who + " has left"

func clientWriter(conn net.Conn, ch <-chan string) {
	for msg := range ch {
		fmt.Fprintln(conn, msg) // NOTE: ignoring network errors


func main() {
	listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:8000")
	if err != nil {

	go broadcaster()
	for {
		conn, err := listener.Accept()
		if err != nil {
		go handleConn(conn)



// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 219.

// Clock1 is a TCP server that periodically writes the time.
package main

import (

func main() {
	listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:8000")
	if err != nil {
	for {
		conn, err := listener.Accept()
		if err != nil {
			log.Print(err) // e.g., connection aborted
		handleConn(conn) // handle one connection at a time

func handleConn(c net.Conn) {
	defer c.Close()
	for {
		_, err := io.WriteString(c, time.Now().Format("15:04:05\n"))
		if err != nil {
			return // e.g., client disconnected
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)



// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 222.

// Clock is a TCP server that periodically writes the time.
package main

import (

func handleConn(c net.Conn) {
	defer c.Close()
	for {
		_, err := io.WriteString(c, time.Now().Format("15:04:05\n"))
		if err != nil {
			return // e.g., client disconnected
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

func main() {
	listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:8000")
	if err != nil {
	for {
		conn, err := listener.Accept()
		if err != nil {
			log.Print(err) // e.g., connection aborted
		go handleConn(conn) // handle connections concurrently


// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 244.

// Countdown implements the countdown for a rocket launch.
package main

import (

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Commencing countdown.")
	tick := time.Tick(1 * time.Second)
	for countdown := 10; countdown > 0; countdown-- {


func launch() {
	fmt.Println("Lift off!")


// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 244.

// Countdown implements the countdown for a rocket launch.
package main

import (


func main() {
	// ...create abort channel...


	abort := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		os.Stdin.Read(make([]byte, 1)) // read a single byte
		abort <- struct{}{}

	fmt.Println("Commencing countdown.  Press return to abort.")
	select {
	case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
		// Do nothing.
	case <-abort:
		fmt.Println("Launch aborted!")


func launch() {
	fmt.Println("Lift off!")


// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 246.

// Countdown implements the countdown for a rocket launch.
package main

// NOTE: the ticker goroutine never terminates if the launch is aborted.
// This is a "goroutine leak".

import (


func main() {
	// ...create abort channel...


	abort := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		os.Stdin.Read(make([]byte, 1)) // read a single byte
		abort <- struct{}{}

	fmt.Println("Commencing countdown.  Press return to abort.")
	tick := time.Tick(1 * time.Second)
	for countdown := 10; countdown > 0; countdown-- {
		select {
		case <-tick:
			// Do nothing.
		case <-abort:
			fmt.Println("Launch aborted!")


func launch() {
	fmt.Println("Lift off!")


// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 247.


// The du1 command computes the disk usage of the files in a directory.
package main

import (

func main() {
	// Determine the initial directories.
	roots := flag.Args()
	if len(roots) == 0 {
		roots = []string{"."}

	// Traverse the file tree.
	fileSizes := make(chan int64)
	go func() {
		for _, root := range roots {
			walkDir(root, fileSizes)

	// Print the results.
	var nfiles, nbytes int64
	for size := range fileSizes {
		nbytes += size
	printDiskUsage(nfiles, nbytes)

func printDiskUsage(nfiles, nbytes int64) {
	fmt.Printf("%d files  %.1f GB\n", nfiles, float64(nbytes)/1e9)



// walkDir recursively walks the file tree rooted at dir
// and sends the size of each found file on fileSizes.
func walkDir(dir string, fileSizes chan<- int64) {
	for _, entry := range dirents(dir) {
		if entry.IsDir() {
			subdir := filepath.Join(dir, entry.Name())
			walkDir(subdir, fileSizes)
		} else {
			fileSizes <- entry.Size()

// dirents returns the entries of directory dir.
func dirents(dir string) []os.FileInfo {
	entries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "du1: %v\n", err)
		return nil
	return entries


// The du1 variant uses two goroutines and
// prints the total after every file is found.


// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 249.

// The du2 command computes the disk usage of the files in a directory.
package main

// The du2 variant uses select and a time.Ticker
// to print the totals periodically if -v is set.

import (

var verbose = flag.Bool("v", false, "show verbose progress messages")

func main() {
	// ...start background goroutine...

	// Determine the initial directories.
	roots := flag.Args()
	if len(roots) == 0 {
		roots = []string{"."}

	// Traverse the file tree.
	fileSizes := make(chan int64)
	go func() {
		for _, root := range roots {
			walkDir(root, fileSizes)

	// Print the results periodically.
	var tick <-chan time.Time
	if *verbose {
		tick = time.Tick(500 * time.Millisecond)
	var nfiles, nbytes int64
	for {
		select {
		case size, ok := <-fileSizes:
			if !ok {
				break loop // fileSizes was closed
			nbytes += size
		case <-tick:
			printDiskUsage(nfiles, nbytes)
	printDiskUsage(nfiles, nbytes) // final totals


func printDiskUsage(nfiles, nbytes int64) {
	fmt.Printf("%d files  %.1f GB\n", nfiles, float64(nbytes)/1e9)

// walkDir recursively walks the file tree rooted at dir
// and sends the size of each found file on fileSizes.
func walkDir(dir string, fileSizes chan<- int64) {
	for _, entry := range dirents(dir) {
		if entry.IsDir() {
			subdir := filepath.Join(dir, entry.Name())
			walkDir(subdir, fileSizes)
		} else {
			fileSizes <- entry.Size()

// dirents returns the entries of directory dir.
func dirents(dir string) []os.FileInfo {
	entries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "du: %v\n", err)
		return nil
	return entries


// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 250.

// The du3 command computes the disk usage of the files in a directory.
package main

// The du3 variant traverses all directories in parallel.
// It uses a concurrency-limiting counting semaphore
// to avoid opening too many files at once.

import (

var vFlag = flag.Bool("v", false, "show verbose progress messages")

func main() {
	// ...determine roots...


	// Determine the initial directories.
	roots := flag.Args()
	if len(roots) == 0 {
		roots = []string{"."}

	// Traverse each root of the file tree in parallel.
	fileSizes := make(chan int64)
	var n sync.WaitGroup
	for _, root := range roots {
		go walkDir(root, &n, fileSizes)
	go func() {

	// Print the results periodically.
	var tick <-chan time.Time
	if *vFlag {
		tick = time.Tick(500 * time.Millisecond)
	var nfiles, nbytes int64
	for {
		select {
		case size, ok := <-fileSizes:
			if !ok {
				break loop // fileSizes was closed
			nbytes += size
		case <-tick:
			printDiskUsage(nfiles, nbytes)

	printDiskUsage(nfiles, nbytes) // final totals
	// loop...


func printDiskUsage(nfiles, nbytes int64) {
	fmt.Printf("%d files  %.1f GB\n", nfiles, float64(nbytes)/1e9)

// walkDir recursively walks the file tree rooted at dir
// and sends the size of each found file on fileSizes.
func walkDir(dir string, n *sync.WaitGroup, fileSizes chan<- int64) {
	defer n.Done()
	for _, entry := range dirents(dir) {
		if entry.IsDir() {
			subdir := filepath.Join(dir, entry.Name())
			go walkDir(subdir, n, fileSizes)
		} else {
			fileSizes <- entry.Size()


// sema is a counting semaphore for limiting concurrency in dirents.
var sema = make(chan struct{}, 20)

// dirents returns the entries of directory dir.
func dirents(dir string) []os.FileInfo {
	sema <- struct{}{}        // acquire token
	defer func() { <-sema }() // release token
	// ...

	entries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "du: %v\n", err)
		return nil
	return entries


// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 251.

// The du4 command computes the disk usage of the files in a directory.
package main

// The du4 variant includes cancellation:
// it terminates quickly when the user hits return.

import (

var done = make(chan struct{})

func cancelled() bool {
	select {
	case <-done:
		return true
		return false


func main() {
	// Determine the initial directories.
	roots := os.Args[1:]
	if len(roots) == 0 {
		roots = []string{"."}

	// Cancel traversal when input is detected.
	go func() {
		os.Stdin.Read(make([]byte, 1)) // read a single byte

	// Traverse each root of the file tree in parallel.
	fileSizes := make(chan int64)
	var n sync.WaitGroup
	for _, root := range roots {
		go walkDir(root, &n, fileSizes)
	go func() {

	// Print the results periodically.
	tick := time.Tick(500 * time.Millisecond)
	var nfiles, nbytes int64
	for {
		select {
		case <-done:
			// Drain fileSizes to allow existing goroutines to finish.
			for range fileSizes {
				// Do nothing.
		case size, ok := <-fileSizes:
			// ...
			if !ok {
				break loop // fileSizes was closed
			nbytes += size
		case <-tick:
			printDiskUsage(nfiles, nbytes)
	printDiskUsage(nfiles, nbytes) // final totals

func printDiskUsage(nfiles, nbytes int64) {
	fmt.Printf("%d files  %.1f GB\n", nfiles, float64(nbytes)/1e9)

// walkDir recursively walks the file tree rooted at dir
// and sends the size of each found file on fileSizes.
func walkDir(dir string, n *sync.WaitGroup, fileSizes chan<- int64) {
	defer n.Done()
	if cancelled() {
	for _, entry := range dirents(dir) {
		// ...
		if entry.IsDir() {
			subdir := filepath.Join(dir, entry.Name())
			go walkDir(subdir, n, fileSizes)
		} else {
			fileSizes <- entry.Size()


var sema = make(chan struct{}, 20) // concurrency-limiting counting semaphore

// dirents returns the entries of directory dir.
func dirents(dir string) []os.FileInfo {
	select {
	case sema <- struct{}{}: // acquire token
	case <-done:
		return nil // cancelled
	defer func() { <-sema }() // release token

	// directory...

	f, err := os.Open(dir)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "du: %v\n", err)
		return nil
	defer f.Close()

	entries, err := f.Readdir(0) // 0 => no limit; read all entries
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "du: %v\n", err)
		// Don't return: Readdir may return partial results.
	return entries


// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 221.

// Netcat1 is a read-only TCP client.
package main

import (

func main() {
	conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "localhost:8000")
	if err != nil {
	defer conn.Close()
	mustCopy(os.Stdout, conn)

func mustCopy(dst io.Writer, src io.Reader) {
	if _, err := io.Copy(dst, src); err != nil {



// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 223.

// Netcat is a simple read/write client for TCP servers.
package main

import (

func main() {
	conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "localhost:8000")
	if err != nil {
	defer conn.Close()
	go mustCopy(os.Stdout, conn)
	mustCopy(conn, os.Stdin)


func mustCopy(dst io.Writer, src io.Reader) {
	if _, err := io.Copy(dst, src); err != nil {


// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 227.

// Netcat is a simple read/write client for TCP servers.
package main

import (

func main() {
	conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "localhost:8000")
	if err != nil {
	done := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		io.Copy(os.Stdout, conn) // NOTE: ignoring errors
		done <- struct{}{} // signal the main goroutine
	mustCopy(conn, os.Stdin)
	<-done // wait for background goroutine to finish


func mustCopy(dst io.Writer, src io.Reader) {
	if _, err := io.Copy(dst, src); err != nil {


// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 228.

// Pipeline1 demonstrates an infinite 3-stage pipeline.
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	naturals := make(chan int)
	squares := make(chan int)

	// Counter
	go func() {
		for x := 0; ; x++ {
			naturals <- x

	// Squarer
	go func() {
		for {
			x := <-naturals
			squares <- x * x

	// Printer (in main goroutine)
	for {



// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 229.

// Pipeline2 demonstrates a finite 3-stage pipeline.
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	naturals := make(chan int)
	squares := make(chan int)

	// Counter
	go func() {
		for x := 0; x < 100; x++ {
			naturals <- x

	// Squarer
	go func() {
		for x := range naturals {
			squares <- x * x

	// Printer (in main goroutine)
	for x := range squares {



// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 231.

// Pipeline3 demonstrates a finite 3-stage pipeline
// with range, close, and unidirectional channel types.
package main

import "fmt"

func counter(out chan<- int) {
	for x := 0; x < 100; x++ {
		out <- x

func squarer(out chan<- int, in <-chan int) {
	for v := range in {
		out <- v * v

func printer(in <-chan int) {
	for v := range in {

func main() {
	naturals := make(chan int)
	squares := make(chan int)

	go counter(naturals)
	go squarer(squares, naturals)



// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 223.

// Reverb1 is a TCP server that simulates an echo.
package main

import (

func echo(c net.Conn, shout string, delay time.Duration) {
	fmt.Fprintln(c, "\t", strings.ToUpper(shout))
	fmt.Fprintln(c, "\t", shout)
	fmt.Fprintln(c, "\t", strings.ToLower(shout))

func handleConn(c net.Conn) {
	input := bufio.NewScanner(c)
	for input.Scan() {
		echo(c, input.Text(), 1*time.Second)
	// NOTE: ignoring potential errors from input.Err()


func main() {
	l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:8000")
	if err != nil {
	for {
		conn, err := l.Accept()
		if err != nil {
			log.Print(err) // e.g., connection aborted
		go handleConn(conn)


// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 224.

// Reverb2 is a TCP server that simulates an echo.
package main

import (

func echo(c net.Conn, shout string, delay time.Duration) {
	fmt.Fprintln(c, "\t", strings.ToUpper(shout))
	fmt.Fprintln(c, "\t", shout)
	fmt.Fprintln(c, "\t", strings.ToLower(shout))

func handleConn(c net.Conn) {
	input := bufio.NewScanner(c)
	for input.Scan() {
		go echo(c, input.Text(), 1*time.Second)
	// NOTE: ignoring potential errors from input.Err()


func main() {
	l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:8000")
	if err != nil {
	for {
		conn, err := l.Accept()
		if err != nil {
			log.Print(err) // e.g., connection aborted
		go handleConn(conn)


// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 218.

// Spinner displays an animation while computing the 45th Fibonacci number.
package main

import (

func main() {
	go spinner(100 * time.Millisecond)
	const n = 45
	fibN := fib(n) // slow
	fmt.Printf("\rFibonacci(%d) = %d\n", n, fibN)

func spinner(delay time.Duration) {
	for {
		for _, r := range `-\|/` {
			fmt.Printf("\r%c", r)

func fib(x int) int {
	if x < 2 {
		return x
	return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2)



// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// +build ignore

// The thumbnail command produces thumbnails of JPEG files
// whose names are provided on each line of the standard input.
// The "+build ignore" tag (see p.295) excludes this file from the
// thumbnail package, but it can be compiled as a command and run like
// this:
// Run with:
//   $ go run $GOPATH/src/
//   foo.jpeg
//   ^D
package main

import (


func main() {
	input := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
	for input.Scan() {
		thumb, err := thumbnail.ImageFile(input.Text())
		if err != nil {
	if err := input.Err(); err != nil {


// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 234.

// The thumbnail package produces thumbnail-size images from
// larger images.  Only JPEG images are currently supported.
package thumbnail

import (

// Image returns a thumbnail-size version of src.
func Image(src image.Image) image.Image {
	// Compute thumbnail size, preserving aspect ratio.
	xs := src.Bounds().Size().X
	ys := src.Bounds().Size().Y
	width, height := 128, 128
	if aspect := float64(xs) / float64(ys); aspect < 1.0 {
		width = int(128 * aspect) // portrait
	} else {
		height = int(128 / aspect) // landscape
	xscale := float64(xs) / float64(width)
	yscale := float64(ys) / float64(height)

	dst := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, width, height))

	// a very crude scaling algorithm
	for x := 0; x < width; x++ {
		for y := 0; y < height; y++ {
			srcx := int(float64(x) * xscale)
			srcy := int(float64(y) * yscale)
			dst.Set(x, y, src.At(srcx, srcy))
	return dst

// ImageStream reads an image from r and
// writes a thumbnail-size version of it to w.
func ImageStream(w io.Writer, r io.Reader) error {
	src, _, err := image.Decode(r)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	dst := Image(src)
	return jpeg.Encode(w, dst, nil)

// ImageFile2 reads an image from infile and writes
// a thumbnail-size version of it to outfile.
func ImageFile2(outfile, infile string) (err error) {
	in, err := os.Open(infile)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer in.Close()

	out, err := os.Create(outfile)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if err := ImageStream(out, in); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("scaling %s to %s: %s", infile, outfile, err)
	return out.Close()

// ImageFile reads an image from infile and writes
// a thumbnail-size version of it in the same directory.
// It returns the generated file name, e.g. "foo.thumb.jpeg".
func ImageFile(infile string) (string, error) {
	ext := filepath.Ext(infile) // e.g., ".jpg", ".JPEG"
	outfile := strings.TrimSuffix(infile, ext) + ".thumb" + ext
	return outfile, ImageFile2(outfile, infile)


// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// This file is just a place to put example code from the book.
// It does not actually run any code in

package thumbnail_test

import (


// makeThumbnails makes thumbnails of the specified files.
func makeThumbnails(filenames []string) {
	for _, f := range filenames {
		if _, err := thumbnail.ImageFile(f); err != nil {


// NOTE: incorrect!
func makeThumbnails2(filenames []string) {
	for _, f := range filenames {
		go thumbnail.ImageFile(f) // NOTE: ignoring errors


// makeThumbnails3 makes thumbnails of the specified files in parallel.
func makeThumbnails3(filenames []string) {
	ch := make(chan struct{})
	for _, f := range filenames {
		go func(f string) {
			thumbnail.ImageFile(f) // NOTE: ignoring errors
			ch <- struct{}{}

	// Wait for goroutines to complete.
	for range filenames {


// makeThumbnails4 makes thumbnails for the specified files in parallel.
// It returns an error if any step failed.
func makeThumbnails4(filenames []string) error {
	errors := make(chan error)

	for _, f := range filenames {
		go func(f string) {
			_, err := thumbnail.ImageFile(f)
			errors <- err

	for range filenames {
		if err := <-errors; err != nil {
			return err // NOTE: incorrect: goroutine leak!

	return nil


// makeThumbnails5 makes thumbnails for the specified files in parallel.
// It returns the generated file names in an arbitrary order,
// or an error if any step failed.
func makeThumbnails5(filenames []string) (thumbfiles []string, err error) {
	type item struct {
		thumbfile string
		err       error

	ch := make(chan item, len(filenames))
	for _, f := range filenames {
		go func(f string) {
			var it item
			it.thumbfile, it.err = thumbnail.ImageFile(f)
			ch <- it

	for range filenames {
		it := <-ch
		if it.err != nil {
			return nil, it.err
		thumbfiles = append(thumbfiles, it.thumbfile)

	return thumbfiles, nil


// makeThumbnails6 makes thumbnails for each file received from the channel.
// It returns the number of bytes occupied by the files it creates.
func makeThumbnails6(filenames <-chan string) int64 {
	sizes := make(chan int64)
	var wg sync.WaitGroup // number of working goroutines
	for f := range filenames {
		// worker
		go func(f string) {
			defer wg.Done()
			thumb, err := thumbnail.ImageFile(f)
			if err != nil {
			info, _ := os.Stat(thumb) // OK to ignore error
			sizes <- info.Size()

	// closer
	go func() {

	var total int64
	for size := range sizes {
		total += size
	return total
