

// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 362.
// The version of this program that appeared in the first and second
// printings did not comply with the proposed rules for passing
// pointers between Go and C, described here:
// The version below, which appears in the third printing,
// has been corrected.  See bzip2.go for explanation.

/* This file is,         */
/* a simple wrapper for libbzip2 suitable for cgo. */
#include <bzlib.h>

int bz2compress(bz_stream *s, int action,
                char *in, unsigned *inlen, char *out, unsigned *outlen) {
  s->next_in = in;
  s->avail_in = *inlen;
  s->next_out = out;
  s->avail_out = *outlen;
  int r = BZ2_bzCompress(s, action);
  *inlen -= s->avail_in;
  *outlen -= s->avail_out;
  s->next_in = s->next_out = NULL;
  return r;



// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 362.
// The version of this program that appeared in the first and second
// printings did not comply with the proposed rules for passing
// pointers between Go and C, described here:
// The rules forbid a C function like bz2compress from storing 'in'
// and 'out' (pointers to variables allocated by Go) into the Go
// variable 's', even temporarily.
// The version below, which appears in the third printing, has been
// corrected.  To comply with the rules, the bz_stream variable must
// be allocated by C code.  We have introduced two C functions,
// bz2alloc and bz2free, to allocate and free instances of the
// bz_stream type.  Also, we have changed bz2compress so that before
// it returns, it clears the fields of the bz_stream that contain
// pointers to Go variables.


// Package bzip provides a writer that uses bzip2 compression (
package bzip

#cgo CFLAGS: -I/usr/include
#cgo LDFLAGS: -L/usr/lib -lbz2
#include <bzlib.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
bz_stream* bz2alloc() { return calloc(1, sizeof(bz_stream)); }
int bz2compress(bz_stream *s, int action,
                char *in, unsigned *inlen, char *out, unsigned *outlen);
void bz2free(bz_stream* s) { free(s); }
import "C"

import (

type writer struct {
	w      io.Writer // underlying output stream
	stream *C.bz_stream
	outbuf [64 * 1024]byte

// NewWriter returns a writer for bzip2-compressed streams.
func NewWriter(out io.Writer) io.WriteCloser {
	const blockSize = 9
	const verbosity = 0
	const workFactor = 30
	w := &writer{w: out, stream: C.bz2alloc()}
	C.BZ2_bzCompressInit(, blockSize, verbosity, workFactor)
	return w


func (w *writer) Write(data []byte) (int, error) {
	if == nil {
	var total int // uncompressed bytes written

	for len(data) > 0 {
		inlen, outlen := C.uint(len(data)), C.uint(cap(w.outbuf))
		C.bz2compress(, C.BZ_RUN,
			(*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])), &inlen,
			(*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&w.outbuf)), &outlen)
		total += int(inlen)
		data = data[inlen:]
		if _, err := w.w.Write(w.outbuf[:outlen]); err != nil {
			return total, err
	return total, nil


// Close flushes the compressed data and closes the stream.
// It does not close the underlying io.Writer.
func (w *writer) Close() error {
	if == nil {
	defer func() {
		C.bz2free( = nil
	for {
		inlen, outlen := C.uint(0), C.uint(cap(w.outbuf))
		r := C.bz2compress(, C.BZ_FINISH, nil, &inlen,
			(*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&w.outbuf)), &outlen)
		if _, err := w.w.Write(w.outbuf[:outlen]); err != nil {
			return err
		if r == C.BZ_STREAM_END {
			return nil



// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

package bzip_test

import (
	"compress/bzip2" // reader

	"" // writer

func TestBzip2(t *testing.T) {
	var compressed, uncompressed bytes.Buffer
	w := bzip.NewWriter(&compressed)

	// Write a repetitive message in a million pieces,
	// compressing one copy but not the other.
	tee := io.MultiWriter(w, &uncompressed)
	for i := 0; i < 1000000; i++ {
		io.WriteString(tee, "hello")
	if err := w.Close(); err != nil {

	// Check the size of the compressed stream.
	if got, want := compressed.Len(), 255; got != want {
		t.Errorf("1 million hellos compressed to %d bytes, want %d", got, want)

	// Decompress and compare with original.
	var decompressed bytes.Buffer
	io.Copy(&decompressed, bzip2.NewReader(&compressed))
	if !bytes.Equal(uncompressed.Bytes(), decompressed.Bytes()) {
		t.Error("decompression yielded a different message")


// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 362.
// This is the version that appears in print,
// but it does not comply with the proposed
// rules for passing pointers between Go and C.
// (
// See for an updated version.

/* This file is,         */
/* a simple wrapper for libbzip2 suitable for cgo. */
#include <bzlib.h>

int bz2compress(bz_stream *s, int action,
                char *in, unsigned *inlen, char *out, unsigned *outlen) {
  s->next_in = in;
  s->avail_in = *inlen;
  s->next_out = out;
  s->avail_out = *outlen;
  int r = BZ2_bzCompress(s, action);
  *inlen -= s->avail_in;
  *outlen -= s->avail_out;
  return r;



// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 362.
// This is the version that appears in print,
// but it does not comply with the proposed
// rules for passing pointers between Go and C.
// (
// See for an updated version.

// Package bzip provides a writer that uses bzip2 compression (
package bzip

#cgo CFLAGS: -I/usr/include
#cgo LDFLAGS: -L/usr/lib -lbz2
#include <bzlib.h>
int bz2compress(bz_stream *s, int action,
                char *in, unsigned *inlen, char *out, unsigned *outlen);
import "C"

import (

type writer struct {
	w      io.Writer // underlying output stream
	stream *C.bz_stream
	outbuf [64 * 1024]byte

// NewWriter returns a writer for bzip2-compressed streams.
func NewWriter(out io.Writer) io.WriteCloser {
	const (
		blockSize  = 9
		verbosity  = 0
		workFactor = 30
	w := &writer{w: out, stream: new(C.bz_stream)}
	C.BZ2_bzCompressInit(, blockSize, verbosity, workFactor)
	return w


func (w *writer) Write(data []byte) (int, error) {
	if == nil {
	var total int // uncompressed bytes written

	for len(data) > 0 {
		inlen, outlen := C.uint(len(data)), C.uint(cap(w.outbuf))
		C.bz2compress(, C.BZ_RUN,
			(*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])), &inlen,
			(*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&w.outbuf)), &outlen)
		total += int(inlen)
		data = data[inlen:]
		if _, err := w.w.Write(w.outbuf[:outlen]); err != nil {
			return total, err
	return total, nil


// Close flushes the compressed data and closes the stream.
// It does not close the underlying io.Writer.
func (w *writer) Close() error {
	if == nil {
	defer func() {
		C.BZ2_bzCompressEnd( = nil
	for {
		inlen, outlen := C.uint(0), C.uint(cap(w.outbuf))
		r := C.bz2compress(, C.BZ_FINISH, nil, &inlen,
			(*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&w.outbuf)), &outlen)
		if _, err := w.w.Write(w.outbuf[:outlen]); err != nil {
			return err
		if r == C.BZ_STREAM_END {
			return nil



// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

package bzip_test

import (
	"compress/bzip2" // reader

	"" // writer

func TestBzip2(t *testing.T) {
	var compressed, uncompressed bytes.Buffer
	w := bzip.NewWriter(&compressed)

	// Write a repetitive message in a million pieces,
	// compressing one copy but not the other.
	tee := io.MultiWriter(w, &uncompressed)
	for i := 0; i < 1000000; i++ {
		io.WriteString(tee, "hello")
	if err := w.Close(); err != nil {

	// Check the size of the compressed stream.
	if got, want := compressed.Len(), 255; got != want {
		t.Errorf("1 million hellos compressed to %d bytes, want %d", got, want)

	// Decompress and compare with original.
	var decompressed bytes.Buffer
	io.Copy(&decompressed, bzip2.NewReader(&compressed))
	if !bytes.Equal(uncompressed.Bytes(), decompressed.Bytes()) {
		t.Error("decompression yielded a different message")


// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 365.


// Bzipper reads input, bzip2-compresses it, and writes it out.
package main

import (


func main() {
	w := bzip.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
	if _, err := io.Copy(w, os.Stdin); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("bzipper: %v\n", err)
	if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("bzipper: close: %v\n", err)



// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 359.

// Package equal provides a deep equivalence relation for arbitrary values.
package equal

import (

func equal(x, y reflect.Value, seen map[comparison]bool) bool {
	if !x.IsValid() || !y.IsValid() {
		return x.IsValid() == y.IsValid()
	if x.Type() != y.Type() {
		return false

	// ...cycle check omitted (shown later)...

	// cycle check
	if x.CanAddr() && y.CanAddr() {
		xptr := unsafe.Pointer(x.UnsafeAddr())
		yptr := unsafe.Pointer(y.UnsafeAddr())
		if xptr == yptr {
			return true // identical references
		c := comparison{xptr, yptr, x.Type()}
		if seen[c] {
			return true // already seen
		seen[c] = true
	switch x.Kind() {
	case reflect.Bool:
		return x.Bool() == y.Bool()

	case reflect.String:
		return x.String() == y.String()

	// ...numeric cases omitted for brevity...

	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32,
		return x.Int() == y.Int()

	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32,
		reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
		return x.Uint() == y.Uint()

	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
		return x.Float() == y.Float()

	case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
		return x.Complex() == y.Complex()
	case reflect.Chan, reflect.UnsafePointer, reflect.Func:
		return x.Pointer() == y.Pointer()

	case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface:
		return equal(x.Elem(), y.Elem(), seen)

	case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
		if x.Len() != y.Len() {
			return false
		for i := 0; i < x.Len(); i++ {
			if !equal(x.Index(i), y.Index(i), seen) {
				return false
		return true

	// ...struct and map cases omitted for brevity...
	case reflect.Struct:
		for i, n := 0, x.NumField(); i < n; i++ {
			if !equal(x.Field(i), y.Field(i), seen) {
				return false
		return true

	case reflect.Map:
		if x.Len() != y.Len() {
			return false
		for _, k := range x.MapKeys() {
			if !equal(x.MapIndex(k), y.MapIndex(k), seen) {
				return false
		return true


// Equal reports whether x and y are deeply equal.
// Map keys are always compared with ==, not deeply.
// (This matters for keys containing pointers or interfaces.)
func Equal(x, y interface{}) bool {
	seen := make(map[comparison]bool)
	return equal(reflect.ValueOf(x), reflect.ValueOf(y), seen)

type comparison struct {
	x, y unsafe.Pointer
	t    reflect.Type



// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

package equal

import (

func TestEqual(t *testing.T) {
	one, oneAgain, two := 1, 1, 2

	type CyclePtr *CyclePtr
	var cyclePtr1, cyclePtr2 CyclePtr
	cyclePtr1 = &cyclePtr1
	cyclePtr2 = &cyclePtr2

	type CycleSlice []CycleSlice
	var cycleSlice = make(CycleSlice, 1)
	cycleSlice[0] = cycleSlice

	ch1, ch2 := make(chan int), make(chan int)
	var ch1ro <-chan int = ch1

	type mystring string

	var iface1, iface1Again, iface2 interface{} = &one, &oneAgain, &two

	for _, test := range []struct {
		x, y interface{}
		want bool
		// basic types
		{1, 1, true},
		{1, 2, false},   // different values
		{1, 1.0, false}, // different types
		{"foo", "foo", true},
		{"foo", "bar", false},
		{mystring("foo"), "foo", false}, // different types
		// slices
		{[]string{"foo"}, []string{"foo"}, true},
		{[]string{"foo"}, []string{"bar"}, false},
		{[]string{}, []string(nil), true},
		// slice cycles
		{cycleSlice, cycleSlice, true},
		// maps
			map[string][]int{"foo": {1, 2, 3}},
			map[string][]int{"foo": {1, 2, 3}},
			map[string][]int{"foo": {1, 2, 3}},
			map[string][]int{"foo": {1, 2, 3, 4}},
		// pointers
		{&one, &one, true},
		{&one, &two, false},
		{&one, &oneAgain, true},
		{new(bytes.Buffer), new(bytes.Buffer), true},
		// pointer cycles
		{cyclePtr1, cyclePtr1, true},
		{cyclePtr2, cyclePtr2, true},
		{cyclePtr1, cyclePtr2, true}, // they're deeply equal
		// functions
		{(func())(nil), (func())(nil), true},
		{(func())(nil), func() {}, false},
		{func() {}, func() {}, false},
		// arrays
		{[...]int{1, 2, 3}, [...]int{1, 2, 3}, true},
		{[...]int{1, 2, 3}, [...]int{1, 2, 4}, false},
		// channels
		{ch1, ch1, true},
		{ch1, ch2, false},
		{ch1ro, ch1, false}, // NOTE: not equal
		// interfaces
		{&iface1, &iface1, true},
		{&iface1, &iface2, false},
		{&iface1Again, &iface1, true},
	} {
		if Equal(test.x, test.y) != test.want {
			t.Errorf("Equal(%v, %v) = %t",
				test.x, test.y, !test.want)

func Example_equal() {
	fmt.Println(Equal([]int{1, 2, 3}, []int{1, 2, 3}))        // "true"
	fmt.Println(Equal([]string{"foo"}, []string{"bar"}))      // "false"
	fmt.Println(Equal([]string(nil), []string{}))             // "true"
	fmt.Println(Equal(map[string]int(nil), map[string]int{})) // "true"

	// Output:
	// true
	// false
	// true
	// true

func Example_equalCycle() {
	// Circular linked lists a -> b -> a and c -> c.
	type link struct {
		value string
		tail  *link
	a, b, c := &link{value: "a"}, &link{value: "b"}, &link{value: "c"}
	a.tail, b.tail, c.tail = b, a, c
	fmt.Println(Equal(a, a)) // "true"
	fmt.Println(Equal(b, b)) // "true"
	fmt.Println(Equal(c, c)) // "true"
	fmt.Println(Equal(a, b)) // "false"
	fmt.Println(Equal(a, c)) // "false"

	// Output:
	// true
	// true
	// true
	// false
	// false


// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan.
// License:

// See page 357.

// Package unsafeptr demonstrates basic use of unsafe.Pointer.
package main

import (

func main() {
	var x struct {
		a bool
		b int16
		c []int

	// equivalent to pb := &x.b
	pb := (*int16)(unsafe.Pointer(
		uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&x)) + unsafe.Offsetof(x.b)))
	*pb = 42

	fmt.Println(x.b) // "42"

	// NOTE: subtly incorrect!
	tmp := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&x)) + unsafe.Offsetof(x.b)
	pb := (*int16)(unsafe.Pointer(tmp))
	*pb = 42